

Karen’s late mother’s eternity ring was looking dull and lifeless after years of wear. 

She popped into Petra’s for a design consultation to see if we could redesign it into something she could wear every day. During the consultation, it became clear to her designer that she loved the ring as it is, but was sad that it didn’t sparkle.

We decided that instead of redesigning it, we should restore it to its original glory.


Our goldsmith took out the original stones which had worn away over the years losing any definition of facets so they lacked any sparkle at all. He also added more gold to make the ring thicker and set brand new stones.

We suggested using moissionites as they are really pretty and nice alternatives to diamonds if you’re on a tight budget.


Here is the restored ring in all it’s glory!

Sometimes the main motivation to refurbish a ring is to simply be able to wear it and enjoy the memories, this is a great example of this, it wasn’t about spending lots of money on diamonds, it was about restoring it to it’s former glory; beautiful and sparkly.


Karen was so happy that she decided to keep the ring the same rather than completely redesigning it. Now she can wear it every day!

Ring lost a stone and was discoloured. Ring englarged and new stones added now looks absolutely fabulous – will not be removed as the ring is so lovely. Many thanks – 5 stars
— Karen

If we’ve inspired you and you would like to discuss having something made yourself, please get in touch with us using the button below or you can contact us through Facebook messenger!

Or, if you still need a bit more inspiration, you can see this ring and many other gorgeous designs in our bespoke collection here:


EternityMitch Lloyd