Linda's remodelled sapphire ring


Linda had a beautiful sapphire cluster ring which she had inherited from her Mum, she adored the ring and the memories it held but the traditional design wasn’t quite her.

She had her original design consultation just after lockdown, but decided she wasn’t quite ready to have her beloved ring remodelled just yet. So after a little bit of time she decided it was time to revisit us.

She had a chat with Abi, who drew up a couple of different options for Linda to choose from to make sure we got her vision perfectly, and she chose a modern style rubover set asymmetrical ring as her favourite.

Once we knew she was happy then it was time to get making!

Behzad handcrafted the cluster ring using the gold from Linda’s sapphire ring as well as some additional gold from her gate bracelet with settings for the diamonds from the cluster as well as a larger stone from a loose earring that wasn’t being worn.

It was then time to hand over the ring to our skilled setter to have the sapphires and diamonds carefully set.

The finished piece looked absolutely wonderful and perfectly showed off the beautiful colour of Linda’s sapphire with her diamonds.

This piece had a lot of emotion and sentimentality attached to it and we know how important it was to consider every step, from designing to making and setting. I am just beyond delighted to know this ring is so well loved and Linda can keep her Mum close to her everyday. It was an absolute pleasure to be a part of creating this new memory.
— Abi

If we’ve inspired you and you would like to discuss having something made yourself, please get in touch with us using the button below or you can contact us through Facebook messenger!

Or, if you still need a bit more inspiration, you can see these pieces and many other gorgeous designs in our bespoke collection here: