Alison had a striking rub over set diamond and tanzanite cluster ring made using the metal and stones from her collection of rings.
Finding there where some pieces she loved but just weren’t her style anymore, when Alison came in to design this ring with designer Fen she bought an amazing collection of pictures of rings, cut from magazines.
Our in-house Goldsmith Matt gave them new life by creating this modern ring inspired by the chunky Scandinavian pieces Alison loved.
If we’ve inspired you and you would like to discuss having something made yourself, please get in touch with us using the button below or you can contact us through Facebook messenger!
Or, if you still need a bit more inspiration, you can see this ring and many other gorgeous designs in our bespoke collection here:
Claire wanted some extra sparkle to her beautiful engagement ring so we sourced two beautiful trilliant cut diamonds and made new setting to make a beautiful solitaire into a stunning trilogy ring.
Jamie had a lovely inherited ring that held a lot of sentimental value but was in need of a bit of TLC.
Sandra’s hinge bagel with inspiration from original bracelet with sapphires and diamonds.
As soon as Alice got out her beautiful coloured diamonds, I knew this was going to be an especially fun job as I share her love of unique diamonds!
The ring was a chunky Bombay style ring which was beautiful, but Ellie felt it was time to give it a new look…
Since Abbie wanted an exact replica of the ring made and set with her stones, we gave her ring to our CAD team who were able to scan the ring and create a 3D image of it.
She had a very sentimental ring that her mum had given to her that was a single diamond set in platinum and yellow gold. The design wasn’t really to Caron’s taste and she had some ideas of what to do with it.